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Here's what they have to say about
their journey with us.

Read Unfiltered feedback from realtors who've experienced our service.

Jodi DiGiovanni - 3 Appointments set with Qualified Buyers in 10 Days & 3 more appointments in less than 30 days.


A realtor with little digital marketing and social media know-how, but understands its key role for success.

State Now: 

A consistent flow of prospects in the sales funnel with qualified buyers and frequent meetings set.

I'm enjoying Realty Ascend. Their free trial showcased benefits for realtors. I got many leads in the 10-day trial with three appointments. Their program offers ample training: calls, videos, zoom, email. They help maintain relationships with clients and are easily accessible.

Jodi DiGiovanni, Remo Valente Real Estate
Matt Urbanski's True Potential: A Remarkable Shift to 59 Leads and 5 Committed Buyer Appointments in Only 10 Days


No consistent lead flow and no pipe line built out. Waiting for referrals

State Now: 

From a handful to 59 leads, the momentum was undeniable. More than quantity, the 5 solid commitments from serious buyers spoke volumes.

Most valuable part of the program is that there is a lot of front-end work that you guys do, filtering them and asking these pre-request questions that are important so that you are not sending me someone who doesn't know what they need. I would recommend you guys.

Matt Urbanski, Neighbourhood Realty
Glyeb Ewing - From no leads to 20+ leads in 10 days and a CRM that is constantly working for him!


No Ai system in place to qualify & book appointments with potential buyer/sellers

State Now: 

System built with Ai integrations allowing for speed to lead and appointment's setting without Glyeb having to work

I started with Realty Ascend just a month back and it's awesome. They've totally streamlined things for me, making everything automatic. AI takes care of booking appointments straight into my calendar, and their virtual assistants screen the leads. No more wasted hours. I just serve my clients and return to a calendar packed with qualified folks ready to roll

Glyeb Ewing, Bend Premier
Thomas Barcier's From Limited Leads to Guaranteed Buyer Appointments in Just a Few Months!


Struggling with manual lead generation, spending significant time without guaranteed outcomes.

State Now: 

A seamless system where Realty Ascend handles targeted ad creation, initial lead contact, and direct appointment bookings.

Realty Ascend has been a game changer for me. They take care of everything, from creating targeted ads to initial contact with those leads and even booking those appointments directly onto my calendar. If your looking for a reliable lead generation company I highly recommend giving Realty Ascend a call.

Thomas Barcier's, Keller Williams
Dante Saracini - From Expecting 20 Leads to a Whopping 50 and Securing Two Serious Buyer Appointments


Struggling for online visibility amidst a sea of competitors.

State Now: 

50 leads and two key appointments in 10 days

I think that, particularly for agents that are getting into the game and don't have a huge profile of existing clients, this is a great way to gather a foundation of clients and leads, and I think that 10 days is great with 50 leads in 10 days. I wouldn't get nearly as much if I didn't. It is the most efficient way to get leads.

Dante Saracini, RE/MAX
Bruce Duff - From No Leads to Overflowing Appointments and 8 Referrals in Just 5 Weeks!


State initially - Moncton real estate market slow, no continous lead flow because no pipeline built out and was relying on referrals and past clients

State Now: 

State Now - Systemitized pipeline of continous lead flow, never having to worry about the reaching out to past clients in slow periods

It's been 5 crazy weeks since I've joined Realty Ascend, I've had so many appointments booked that I've had to give out 8 referrals already. The Real Estate market suddenly dried up in Moncton in September and somehow Realty Ascend approached me when I was open to listening ( normally I'd hang up and never give them a second thought).

Bruce Duff, Royal LePage
Sonia Kaur - 2 Qualified Buyers & 1 Appt in 10 Days, 4 Buyer Leads ready to buy in the next 3-6 Months


A newer agent with little online lead generation knowledge didn’t have a consistent flow of leads.

State Now: 

Consistent flow of leads coming into the pipeline with qualified buyers; Appointments being set.

Realty Ascend was able to get me over 58 leads and 6 set appointments with qualified buyers so far, and now I have 4 qualified buyers who are interested in the next 3-6 months. Overall, I was very impressed with their system and ability to get responses from leads. Overall, a great experience!

Sonia Kaur, Keller Williams Legacies
Kailey Murphy - 3 Buyer Appointments and 1 Showing for a Serious Buyer in 10 Days!


I am skeptical about lead generation companies as I have gotten burned by bold leads and other companies in th

State Now: 

Qualified Appointments with serious buyers that are vetted through our system

I want to thank you for allowing me to do the 10-day free trial, and I’m pleased with the way Realty Ascend works! I was able to book three appointments and one showing within the 10-day trial. Realty Ascend has a lot to offer! I would recommend doing business with them to my fellow agents!

Kailey Murphy, Royal Le Page
Declan Mulhall - 3 Serious Appointments With Qualified Buyers, and 1 showing within 10 days


Was seeing very few unresponsive leads coming in from the brokerages lead generation system with CINC and sought other ways to generate leads.

State Now: 

Generated a steady lead flow with responsive leads that resulted in booked appointments and showings through our proven system. ‍

I had a very positive experience with the Lead Connector app and Realty Ascend. I was given a 10-day free trial, where I had a number of interactions with potential clients and one interaction that was converted into a showing of a property. I thoroughly recommend trying the Realty Ascend program.

Declan Mulhall, Jump Realty
Kres O’Brian - 2 Appointments with Qualified Buyers, 2 Qualified Buyers ready to buy in the next 3-6 months!


No current online lead generation or appointment booking methods.

State Now: 

Generating leads with a system that works, utilizing our scripts to book appointments with qualified buyers

I recently had the pleasure of working with the team at Realty Ascend, and I must say that my experience was nothing short of fantastic. They possess a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in the industry. They took the time to listen to my specific needs and tailored their service

Kres O’Brian, Keller Williams Legacies
15+ Brokerages

Get to know some of the amazing people behind the magic at Realty Ascend

With our team of magical experts, agents like you are reaching unprecedented heights.

4.1 out of 5 stars from 25+ reviews

I am here to help you identify your challenges and understand the necessary steps for growth. I believe in providing agents with key insights. Acknowledging your weaknesses is crucial for advancing in real estate. My mission is to ensure every agent comprehends and utilizes this vital advantage for their betterment.

Realty Ascend - Mark Gennaro

Always eager for a meaningful conversation. I'm just a phone call away, ready to learn more about your situation and how I can assist you in navigating it

Realty Ascend - Edwin

I believe in boosting GCI as it reflects their ability to assist more clients. By addressing weaknesses and leveraging insights, agents can grow professionally. My dedication is to facilitate this growth, enriching both agent success and client satisfaction.

Realty Ascend - Ethan Ashby
Frequently ask questions

Answers to Your Burning Questions.

Still have a question?
Contact Us
How do I know I am Ready for this?

There is never a perfect time, and you are never going to feel 100% ready to go. There are always 1001 tasks you could be doing; however, they are typically not the right tasks that will get you to your goal.

Our core thesis is that real estate agents fail not because they can't sell homes, identify markets, market themselves, or serve their clients effectively, but because they conduct these activities in the wrong order and run out of time and money before they achieve meaningful traction.

We help our customers execute in the right order—the order that results in the highest efficiency.

If your current strategies are not working and you are feeling frustrated because you are not progressing fast enough, then this is for you.

We, of course, offer a guarantee since we back up everything that we do. If you are in doubt, just give it a shot and see for yourself.

Have you had newer agents or rookie agents succeed with this program?

We have a large customer base of newly licenced agents. We have seen that the number of years of experience doesn’t determine how well an agent performs with our program. Instead, we have seen hard work and persistence play a major role.

How many agents do you take on per area? I'm looking for exclusivity in my market.

Depending on area size, we only take on a maximum of 3–4 agents in smaller markets and up to 10 in larger ones. This way, conflicting leads are drastically minimized. We also offer our programme exclusively to an area if the agent wants it (it will cost more).

What is your guarantee

We guarantee a closing, or we work for free.

What will be the return of investment for me?

If you do not have the financial resources to work with our team, in many cases, it makes sense to incur debt to take part. However, we are in no position to judge your financial situation, and if it does not financially make sense for you right now to move forward, we’d recommend holding off.

If I close a deal, do you stop running ads for me or still work with me for the rest of the year?

If you do not have the financial resources to work with our team, in many cases, it makes sense to incur debt to take part. However, we are in no position to judge your financial situation, and if it does not financially make sense for you right now to move forward, we’d recommend holding off.

How long does our relationship last?

Our term of service lasts for 12 whole months. We believe this is the required time to ensure your online lead generation works for you and you are not stuck in a position of chasing new lead companies every time they don't convert.

Online lead generation is a long-term game because the leads do not know you yet. You have to build the relationship. This is not for order takers. Only for closers. Stop listening to the companies that glorify quick sales.

That should never be your goal as an agent.

Your goal is to change lives. This mindset will get you further than chasing commission checks.

Don't believe us?

We've seen this with our most successful agents.

If you require deals to be sent to you, online leads may not be the right fit for you, and more traditional methods are probably best. However, traditional methods will not scale predictably.

What differentiates you from other lead generation companies?

We are not in the business of providing leads and expecting the agent to go off and close them. We know this never works.

Instead, we have a unique hybrid model where we provide done-for-you services backed by three weekly workshop calls and lead conversion seminars.

This way, our success managers can analyse your conversations and assist you whenever you need help.

My market is too small. Will this still work for me?

Yes, in fact, smaller markets perform better as the message is spread to more people. This works extremely well, and results in smaller markets come quickly, as we’ve seen with many of our clients.

I already have enough business. Why do I even need to add in more complexity?

You are on this site because you need more business. In order to earn more, there will always be complexity. Making money isn’t easy, but it sure makes life easier when you have it.

Ask yourself:

"Do I really have everything I wanted?" "Am I capping myself short?" "What if my pipeline dries up?"

Trust us. Your pipeline will dry up fast in the event of an emergency. Many agents were wiped out because they had no pipeline built up during COVID-19.

What is the average cost per acquisition for our agents?

On average, the first closing comes in the first 3–6 months. On average, the CPA can range anywhere from $1000 to $2000.

How can I trust this?

You can view all of our content, case studies, and testimonials. Any real company would not invest this much time and effort into making their customers buying journeys easier.

We pride ourselves on being up-front and honest with our clients.

On what platforms do you run ads for me?

We run paid ads on Facebook and Instagram. We also incorporate Google Local Services Ads (only in the USA right now, but our Canadian agents are put on a waitlist and will be the first to use them when they come to Canada) to get inbound calls from buyers and sellers. That being said, our organic advertisements also show you how you can generate anywhere from 20 to 30 free leads per month.

I have used Facebook ads in the past. They didn’t work for me. Why will they work this time around?

Many agents believe it's the ads that are the reason they can’t close. After working with many agents, we know that the ad has little to do with the results.

It is unlikely you will get deals coming in because these people don’t know you yet, don't like you enough, or even trust you enough to transact with you. What makes you think they will work with you after clicking on your ad?

After all, there are likely thousands of agents in your area.

This is the most important aspect. The sales process

We’ve refined agents' sales processes so they can convert more deals predictably.

Our dedicated success managers and coaches work with you around the clock, analyse your conversations weekly, and monitor your ads daily to ensure you achieve success.

Do we need to spend money on paid advertising to generate leads?

Yes, you will need to. Growing your business will require money.

How many organic, free leads can I expect to get every month?

We see on average 20–30 leads per month. This also varies from market to market.

How do you qualify the leads?

Our system weeds out the tyre kickers, such as leads that don’t pick up the phone or respond to text messages or emails. 

Therefore, you will only deal with leads that want to speak with you, and our system will start the conversations for you. This is where you come in and implement your expertise to qualify the leads that value your time. 

We have done the math with over 200+ clients and found out that the conversion rate is much higher when the agent qualifies themselves, as the relationship is much stronger.

What happens step by step when a lead comes in?

Once a lead is generated, it goes straight to our CRM. The CRM then triggers an automated follow-up system until a lead responds. Once a lead responds, the automations stop, and the agent takes over the conversation or the text concierge, if you have that in place. The agent or ISA then goes on to qualify the lead and book it for an in-person appointment. We take care of this on the backend. Your job consists of qualifying and booking leads for appointments.

Are the campaign ads ready for me to use, or is it something I need to create myself?

The campaigns will be created for you. We take care of the marketing, and your job is to just be out on the field.

Do I need a website to get leads?

No, you don’t. You’re only going to need a business Facebook page. If you don’t already have one, we’ll go ahead and help you create one.

How do you create a Facebook ad?

Our engineering team creates the ads for you. We’re not trying to make you an expert marketer. Therefore, we don’t need to get into the nitty-gritty. We’re the experts and will take care of this.

Can we target buyers outside of our state or province?

No. We only sell a proven process, and our team will choose the ads that we think will perform the best.

Do you generate both buyer and seller leads?

We’re going to generate a combination of both buyer and seller leads. We have noticed that the homeownership rate is increasing year by year, so a lot of buyer leads are looking to sell their home as well. You have the chance to represent both the buyer and the seller. These are the exact strategies we implemented with our current clients to generate our case studies all over Canada.

I just want seller leads. I’m not interested in obtaining buyer leads. I already have so many buyers in my database.

We have seen that many of us, as salespeople, want the easy way out without putting in the work. We have run many seller campaigns that are very successful for agents, but we have found that the mindset of "I only want sellers" is likely the reason holding you back.

The reason why is because your job is to help as many people as possible. If you have too many buyers, think like a businessperson.

Ask yourself "How can I outsource these buyers"?

Should I build a team?

"Should I hire an assistant to qualify?"

These are the questions you need to be asking yourself.

In fact, we have seen more buyers come in from buyer campaigns in many cases, and it actually leads to two-way transactions, which can be super nice!

In our programme, we talk about how to reposition your mindset when working with online leads.In business, mindset is everything.

Even as cliche as it may sound.

How are you generating leads for free?

We have tested many organic techniques that have worked for many agents across Canada. These include Facebook Marketplace ads.

What is the average number of leads you bring in every month? How much will it cost me?

We see on average 20–50 paid leads per month for the agents that work with us. This excludes the leads you will be getting from organic lead generation. The average advertising budget for the agents in our programme is around 300 dollars per month.

Do you create websites as well? I need help with branding.

We do not normally create websites for agents. There’s a reason behind this. Websites don’t move the needle forward because they don’t generate leads for you. It definitely helps with branding, but it isn’t necessary until you are consistently doing 3+ deals a month. Now, if you want a website, we can host one for you or create one for you for an extra fee.

Brokers provide me with leads. Why should I pay for yours?

Brokerage leads are typically shared and competed against among other agents in the brokerage. Furthermore, a brokerage usually cannot invest hundreds of dollars per agent. Online lead generation is a numbers game, just like doorknocking.

It works best at scale. You need exclusive leads in the hundreds to make this work effectively.

Can we guarantee any amount or percentage of seller leads?

We cannot guarantee any number of seller leads. If we were able to do that, we would be charging $10,000 per month or keeping that secret to ourselves. The number of seller leads we will generate depends heavily on the state of your market and the area you’re operating in. You could see 30% of your leads as sellers or 10% as buyers. It depends on a lot of different variables.

Are leads generated by city or zip code?

Our leads are generated by city and zip codes. This is discussed on the onboarding call, and we use the one that has shown us success with previous agents in your area.

How many legitimate leads are we getting?

There is a cost to running paid online advertising campaigns. You’ll definitely see fake numbers, fake emails, and fake leads in general. However, we’re going to disqualify these leads for you. You’ll only work with leads that reach out to you first. This will save you time and energy from reaching out to non-legitimate leads.

Can our ads target seniors?

Our ads can't be targeted based on age due to Facebook's policies. Our team will do a market analysis to see what’s working for other agents in your area and incorporate those strategies.

What am I responsible for in the program? I’m very hands-off. I want a service done for me.

We’re going to set up the first set and forget the lead generation campaign for you, which runs on for a couple months.

After that, your focus and time are spent qualifying leads over text and booking appointments if you don’t have our text concierge service. 

We make sure your time is spent doing what is most important to you, which is servicing your clients.

 If you want to create additional campaigns or make any changes to current campaigns, you have the luxury of scheduling a one-on-one call with our client success manager at any given time.

Do we show agents how to do Facebook ads themselves too?

We set up, manage, and run Facebook ads for you. As a bonus, we also have training videos and can coach you on how to set up these Facebook ads yourself. You will never have to pay another lead-generation company again. You will be able to run these ads yourself at the end of the year and put thousands of dollars back into your pocket.

Who follows up with the leads? Do you guys follow up for us, or do I have to do it?

Our automated system starts the conversation for you with leads. This is where you come in and implement your expertise to qualify the leads that value your time, if, of course, you didn’t purchase our text concierge follow-up service where your real-life assistant or AI will be qualifying the leads for you. The system weeds out the tyre kickers or time wasters by itself.

Do you use my business's Facebook page to run the ads? Can I also access it myself?

We use your business's Facebook page to run the ads. If you don’t already have a business Facebook page, we will go ahead and help you create one. You still have 100% access to it.

Do you provide me with a new CRM? I’m already comfortable using my current CRM and don’t want to learn a new one.

We only provide our CRM so our coaches and team can log in, analyse your conversations, and make tweaks where needed. We don’t see ourselves as a lead generation company but rather as a transformation boutique. We ensure each and every aspect of your lead generation is perfected.

Is there any other additional cost to use the program?

We set up, manage, and run Facebook ads for you. As a bonus, we also have training videos and can coach you on how to set up these Facebook ads yourself. You will never have to pay another lead-generation company again. You will be able to run these ads yourself at the end of the year and puOther than the ad spend, which goes to Facebook, there is a monthly $97 USD fee for our CRM fee. There is a very minimal cost of $10–20 per month for Twilio text message fees.t thousands of dollars back into your pocket.

Does your CRM have an app?

Yes, our CRM does have an app. You have the ability to email, text, call, and leave voicemails through our CRM.

Are my leads being shared with other agents?

NO. All leads are exclusive to you.

Can you integrate your system with my CRM? There is no way I'm changing my current CRM.

Yes, we understand that for many agents, their CRM is precious.

 It is for us too, at our company.

Hence, we have helped many agents transfer their leads into their own CRMs, as long as their CRMs are adequate to provide follow-ups.

How do we assure the quality of the leads themselves beyond the text messages from the CRM?

We cannot go in and close deals for you. Our system weeds out the tyre kickers and leads that are just looking. Once the CRM sparks a conversation, you will qualify the lead and book him or her into an appointment. It’s all a numbers game, and our system is going to give you a lot of conversations. You cannot expect every online lead to be a quality lead. This is the cost of using online lead generation. With online lead generation, we’re trying to pick and work the quality leads that are looking to buy or sell within 3 months.

Do you provide me with a new CRM? I’m already comfortable using my current CRM and don’t want to learn a new one.

We understand that you, as an agent, are compensated this way; however, our company cannot operate this way. There are several reasons:

First and foremost, we are not licensed. We are not legally able to share commissions with you. This is by far the biggest reason, and it could cost you your licence as well.

Secondly, in no way, shape, or form can we track your closings. This makes it extremely difficult for us.

Third, we are a company that prides itself on delivering the highest quality service. Hence, our guarantee is unique in that we guarantee one closing or you don’t pay a dime.

Fourth, we cannot rely upon your closing skills or work ethic to help us run our company, as we have many employees and team members who work hard around the clock to make positive results happen for the agents that pay to work with our team. There are many agents out there who will close 10 out of 100 leads and many who won’t close one.

If you are seeking a pay-after-close model, we may not be the fit for you. Companies that use a pay-after-close model typically only incentivize their top producers, as this is how they make their money. If you aren’t a top producer yet, we would highly recommend honing those sales skills with a valid mentor who can help. This way, you can work on a commission basis for companies that can rely on you to convert.

Do you post daily content on my social media pages?

No, we don't believe in posting content across agents' timelines and believe that should be personal and done by you. People want to see you, not automated blog posts by some company that charges per post.

If you are hiring one of these companies, we’d suggest you put out valuable content that is creative and not automated.

This will definitely set you apart and will most definitely help you succeed, especially in more competitive markets.

What kind of support will I get working with you guys? Will I get a chance to speak with other successful agents to share strategies?

We provide two coaching calls per week with 24/7 support from a dedicated success manager. You will have the opportunity to network with other agents to communicate, and we have seen this happen many times on our weekly calls.

How many customers usually show up for the coaching calls?

It depends on the time of the year. Spring and summer tend to be busier, resulting in a lower show-up rate on coaching calls. It’s highly recommended they come to these calls so they can learn about what it takes to get results.

What percentage of your case studies are successful? What is the breakdown?

100% of our clients who complete the programme are successful. This is why we offer a money-back guarantee.

Is this all social media-based? Am I going to need to give you the login to my social accounts for this?

NO. All leads are exclusivNo, you do not. We value your privacy and respect all guidelines. We only request admin access to assets such as your Facebook page and ad account.e to you.

Where is your office located?

We are located in Aurora, Ontario, Canada.

Should I stop cold calling, door-knocking, or doing open houses since I’m going to be working with you?

No, please do not make this mistake. By buying lead generation and marketing services, you are adding one more lead source. This is not your only lead source, by any means.

Online leads can take some time to dial in and work. The biggest mistake you can make is to stop what you’re already doing.

Am I limited to one territory?

No, you are not. We can run your ads wherever you’d like. In fact, we’ll often recommend running ads elsewhere if it makes sense.and if it does not financially make sense for you right now to move forward, we’d recommend holding off.

When does this not work? Why are people not successful?

The program requires you to do a lot of work and learn quickly. Some clients do not complete the programme due to their work ethic; however, if they did, then they would be successful.